Our company "Synthesis of intelligent systems" uses integrated approach to the implementation of the project. We ready to lead the project from the creation of the technical specification and prototype to promote the project in the Internet.
We are engaged in the creation and implementation of corporate portals, online stores, development of mobile applications, preparation of technical specifications in the field of information technologies, as well as in the creation of websites, design layouts, prototypes, and user interfaces.
The custom software development is one of the main activities of our company. We implement the projects of various complexities and perform the entire cycle of works — from a preliminary survey and preparation of technical specifications to the design, implementation and maintenance of the final products.
You can be confident that the blend of our knowledges, skills and experience will help you to find a really optimal solution, significantly reducing project risks, efficiently implement your project in the shortest time and at the reasonable investment. Our work fully takes into account the features of the client's business, a target audience and a competitive environment. An individual approach to each client allows us to create unique and successful websites and mobile apps.
The website created by them (Synthesis of Intelligent Systems) satisfies all current requirements of the main University website. It has carefully thought structure containing more than 1000 sections in three languages: Russian, English and Chinese. The Synthesis of Intelligent Systems Company has proved to be a reliable partner in the implementation of the large-scale projects.
The SIS Company has proved to be a responsible contractor during the cooperation period. The work has been done on time and in compliance with the established technical task. We recommend the Synthesis of Intelligent Systems Company to realize serious projects demanding responsible and scrupulous approach to them.
We conduct efficient analysis of a project, and work out preliminary documentation, which includes Charter, specification and technical task.
We create a unique project’s model, which is designed through the cooperation of designer and online marketing specialist.
We implement efficient valid cross-browser layout that meets all modern standards.
There are no freelancers in our company. We are an experienced team that has realized more than several dozens of projects of various complexities.
Email : info@ooosis.com
Phone: +7 3822 78 90 76
+7 3822 97 92 56
Office 208, 2 Sovetskaya Street, Tomsk,
Russian Federation